Bringing 2013 to a close were siblings Madison and Corey. They were my last clients of the year and it was a memorable and unique one. We met at The Orchard Restaurant in Baldwin, Wisconsin. It was a very cold evening about a week before Christmas. The restaurant had a holiday party earlier in the day so it was fairly quiet when we met. The staff was very accommodating and welcoming, showing us in to some of their various rooms and encouraging us to use the décor as backdrops. It was very cozy and warm with the fire place and Christmas lights. I had an enjoyable time getting to know Madison as she approaches her senior year. And aren’t Madison and Corey sweet? Corey seems like an easy going brother and went along with us girls so well! They were a lot of fun, with their serious faces and even the playful ones with the arcade games. I look forward to working with them again!
Thank you, Amy for asking me to take your beautiful children’s photos!