My sister Katie called me early this morning to ask me if I was ready for a photo session today. Thinking about the one I have scheduled in a couple of hours from this posting, I was a bit confused. Then ‘click’, she’s in labor! I arrived at the hospital a couple of hours later and Baby Girl Emily Grace was born an hour later. Like true Sykora-Girl fashion, Katie quickly went in to full fledged labor and surprised her family with a girl! Emily Grace was born at 9:29am weighing in at 7 pounds, 3 ounces and is 18.5″ in length. She’s a blessing and her parents are very happy and everyone is doing well. What more could we ask for? And, I get a new niece, making her my 5th! Now, to control my own baby urges….(I told her to remind me how tired she is, often).